Welcome to In Memorial. I created this page after I got affiliated with My Mom is a Survivor, an online support group for mothers who have lost their children. I became a Charter Member at the very end of 1999 and began making Personal Memorial Pages for their children. I was using Geocities as my server, but I am slowly loosing space so I thought this would be a much better way to publish these angel's pages. And also provide graphics for those of you making your own angel's pages.

If you are in need of a Designer to fulfill your needs for a Memorial Page, please feel free to ask. This is a free service, I feel your angel's memories are not for my profit. There are just a few criteria:

  Please join my egroup for news on pages and new graphics available! just type in your email addy to get started!

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© 2000 Taylor's Hand Graphics and Web Design
Brie Godinez, Webmistress
This page was last updated on Wednesday, March 8, 2000